Don’t Wait To Be Hacked

Note Pictures, Images and PhotosWe’ve all seen the hack job. A friend doesn’t log out of their Facebook account and a child or spouse writes something in the status like, “Jim-Bob is the best, most wonderful, awesome husband in the entire world!” I saw one of these fun status updates earlier this week and the Lord laid something on my heart.

Don’t let a hacked status message be the only time your spouse or child hears/sees a positive message about themselves, from you.

Whack! Two-by-four between the eyes.

When times get stressful and we’re at our wits end, this is a good reminder. It’s also a good indicator of whether or not our relationship and attitude is in a bad place and needs some rescuing.

Does your spouse need to hack your Facebook page in order to hear something positive from you?

Please help us to adjust attitudes where we need. Even in those tough moments, help us to remember the good qualities and refrain from harboring ill feelings and judgments. Please be present in all of our relationships and guide us in our words and actions.
In Jesus Name,

Photo Credit: Quilindil


  1. I *hack* our bathroom mirror every so often! ;D Loved this!
    Lynn Mosher recently posted..I Passed Your Way Today

  2. Lost and Found Lady

    OH man, this message grabbed me. Thank you for writing it.

    And for someone usually quite verbal, the words just aren’t coming. Time to pray.

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