Depression Can Drive Us Off the Edge

Today I am a guest at (in)courage.

Tears flowed like a gushing river.  Non-stop.  Physical, emotional pain wrenched my gut.

I wanted to


I wanted it to be


Continued over at (in)courage today! Head on over to read the rest….

Coming up tomorrow: Dear Mel – get your questions in!

If you have a moment, would you mind filling out a 4 question survey?


  1. Wow! Thank you for sharing so honestly. so often when people deal with depression it is hidden . .not talked about – -even these days. you blessed me today —

    • I’m so glad Susan. Yes, depression can be so easily swept under the rug, which only makes the depressed person feel worse!

  2. This was an amazing post. I wish that my cousin had gone to the hospital instead of to the gun store. He left four children behind that will forever be changed … and a lot of us wishing we had seen the signs while he was still here.

    • I am so sorry for your family’s loss 🙁 It can be so hard to spot the signs, especially for those of us who have learned to hide them very well.

  3. Hello i read your article on (in)courage and i thought i would introduce myself. My name is Miranda and i blog over at I’m starting a feature tomorrow called Project Optimist. It’s a way to raise awareness and give support to women who battle depression.

    I would love it if you would come by and check the project out, i would love to feature you as one of the weekly optimists!

  4. Wow, thank you for the honest post. This is me. I keep hoping to see some light at the end.

    • Jess, keep seeking help from the Lord and from your doctor. It’s okay to lean in on your church family as well. Praying for you!

  5. I’m so glad you got help. Depression is scary.

  6. Thank you for sharing such a hard thing Mel… left you comments over there, but just wanted you to know that I think you are an awesome warrior for God!
    Heidi recently posted..Am I Perfect Yet

  7. You are such a blessing! I never comment but I read each day. It’s amazing how you’ve taken the crap life has handed you and you are doing something good with it. I relate so much to you but I’m not brave enough to share. Thank you because you are helping me.

  8. Thank you so much for linking to my blog today! Thank you for sharing! Would you do me a favor? I messed up and had to fix the link…would you go back and repost your link? I’m sorry for the inconvenience!
    GINA SMITH recently posted..Doctrine NOPE! I dont Need it- Thankyou! -Friday link up!

  9. Almost been there, done that. I didn’t drive to the hospital, but I wanted to walk to the beach (we’re about 6 miles from the Atlantic Ocean), and keep walking into the ocean forever. I know I’d be in Heaven, but I couldn’t take the responsibilities of life here and now. You can actually find the short form of my story on page 127 of Anne Jackson’s Permission to Speak Freely:

    I am not afraid to die
    I am afraid to live
    I’m afraid of failing in my God-given responsibilities…

    And that’s after having a gun to my head at the age of 10.

    Sometimes our ability to cope fails us. Sometimes well-meaning people steal away our hope in Christ.

    It’s OK, as long as you don’t go over the edge.
    Joe Sewell recently posted..The Capped Idol of Copeland-Hagin, Part 7: More on the Image of God

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