Today is day 1 ofย the 31 days of depression series. If you'd like to join the 31 day challenge, please click the button at the bottom of this post.
Depression is a lonely place to find yourself. It's a destination no one wants to visit but often a location we all end up at one time or another and some of us take longer, more permanent trips. But there is hope.
It's taken years for me to finally realize that is a red flag for me. Depression is on it's way or it's already at the door.
"I Don't Care!"
Do you have a warning phrase? Give it some thought because this is important to know the warning signs of depression.
It's not that I don't want to care, for some reason, I just don't. Sound familiar?
So what are we to do when the "I don't cares" start to move in? I have a few places to start but this is not an exhaustive list. I will have an entire list of ideas for dealing with depression at the end of the series.
- Always start with prayer. I know you don't feel like it and you're probably upset with the Lord but do it anyway. Tell Him how you are feeling and ask for protection.
- Memorize one scripture you can repeat over and over when you start to feel down.
- Cry. Maybe you're already crying all the time but if you're holding it in, you need to have a good cry and let it out. It's amazing how cleansing this can be!
- Music therapy. Listen to upbeat songs that make you smile or remind you who you are in Christ. Do not listen to any depressing music. They do not help.
Do today:
- Memorize this scripture: So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
- Pray: Lord, I want to be set free from the bondage of depression. Your word says you've set me free. Please let me feel it in my heavy heart. Please protect me from believing satan's evil lies and help me to trust your truths. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Take these little steps today. Small steps lead to big changes. Trust the Lord to change your heart and view. He will do it but it isn't always instant.
Are you suffering from depression. What challenges do you face when you are in the pit? *You may comment anonymously. Email addies aren't published and you are welcome to use another name. Comment policy still applies.
To purchase this song: Someone Worth Dying For
Day 2 - Step Out of Yourself
The next 31 days we will be discussing depression and healthy ways to combat it but weโre going to get real too. Because for those of us who wind up in the pit often, we know platitudes and fluff pieces do nothing for us. My expertise is only based 0n my own very personal battles with depression and is no way, professional or medical advice. Your participation in this series is voluntary and Melinda Todd is not legally responsible for any choices or actions of participants. Participants release Melinda Todd and Trailing After God from responsibility and liability and continue at their own risk and discretion.
This is timely for me. Living in Canada, I experience SADD and every year it seems to start earlier and earlier. It used to just be January, then December and January….Last year it started in November and dragged through until…I;m not sure when but it was at least March. My red flag is tiredness. I could sleep all day and all night and still be tired. That seems to have started already this year. I really hope that doesn’t mean it will be 5 or 6 months this year.
I think I suffer from that too. i live in the Pacific NW and it is gray and rainy most of the year. I’m usually hit hardest around January, after the holidays. It’s not fun ๐
I’ve never given any thought to a red flag phrase but yes, I don’t care seems to be a common thread when I start going down. Thanks for the insight!
my red flag is : “I Cann’t be bothered” with anything, but once i get up and go and do it or take a walk it always helps……….. just listen to the words of the song
“You’ve got to believe” and we have to believe that God will in his owen time lift each one of us out of our depression situations. My God Bless you all xx
Thanks so much for doing this, Melinda! I’m sure you’ll help and encourage many.
I once heard that the opposite of love isn’t hate–it’s indifference. It’s not caring.
So if God is love, then the opposite of love is indifference. That makes perfect sense, then, that to you the warning sign that you’re heading down the road to depression is to feel a sense of indifference towards life. It’s a sign that it’s from the devil, and not God, and your solutions to tell yourself the truth, and to focus on God, is right on!
Sheila from To Love, Honor and Vacuum!
Sheila Gregoire recently posted..A Wedding Wish
My warning sign is for sure when I take on the attitude that I really REALLY don’t! I get angry, which stems from a pile of anger due to my traumatizing divorce sitution ironically, almost 10 years to this week! I have 3 boys who were young when things occured and now my youngest deals with some anger issues/some normal issues of teens but I get angry again at my EX for what he did. From that time on I was depressed, well even before then honestly as I could see things going out of control. This was not suppose to happen, we were a Christian family, he was a leader in our church… Well 10 years later, even though I have forgiven him, I have yet to let go and forgive the other woman and it shows when I go down. Why? I wonder after so long? AND why do I not do the things I KNOW I NEED to do, such as pray? I just dont care once I get there. It takes me a few days to pick up and my poor husband is doing all he can to encourage me and I push at him sometimes and later have to go back and ask his forgiveness. I just wish I had a big eraser. I wish I had a better childhood. I wish so many things, but they are things that are said and done. I realize when I am UP, that life is good, God is in control and I have control over some things. I have victory in many. My boys/young men are healtlhy, and we are tight knit including my new husband, {married almost 2 years in Dec} I long for the sunshine to spray across my face daily, but not here in the PNW, that does not occur, but God, it sure would help. I pray for myself and others and even a friend who is dealing with a difficult time right now, that WE all put you first God, for you and you alone are our constant protector.
Oh Kristin, you are not alone. I didn’t realize you were also in PNW. That sure does a number on me too. The sun is supposed to come back tomorrow. I sure hope so! Praying for you!
What is the information again for you book?
Aslo have you looked at the video/song called “Hide my Soul” by Avalon? It is AMAZING song and would go right along with this series. I used it as a tool in a class once and find that every time I listen it moves me to tears, the songs words and the presentation of the voices are moving to say the least.
My book is, How I forgave my molester – there is a tab listed above with all the info ๐
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I don’t have a keep phrase, but I have a key attitude. When I become self-deprecating I know there is a turn coming on. Once I recognize what is happening, I begin to combat it with the truth. Sometimes I have to get into my old journals to read the truth of what I’ve written in the past about what God says over me, to find the strength to fight!
Love this series!
Beth recently posted..Wednesday’s Wisdom: Lasting Joy, Success and Dreaming Big
That’s me! Thanks for sharing your insight, Beth!
I am glad I found this series today. I am in the midst of depression. I never thought about a red flag of phase but now that I read this I realized some things I do when I am heading that way. One is sleeping a lot, getting frustrated easily, and just not wanting to do anything.
I will be praying for you. Depression is such horrible bondage. It is for FREEDOM Christ has set us FREE. We have the right to claim that freedom. Know that I totally understand. I pray this series and the word of God give you hope and break the shackles of depression.
Thank you!! I was just trying to post our homework from yesterday and work on today’s ๐ Loving this scripture!!