I recently had the honor of reading, Deliver Me From Evil, by author Kathi Macias. While I wasn’t asked to review this book, this book was so eye opening to me, I have to share it.
God has been bringing the topic of sex trafficking before me for over a year now and to be quite honest, I have shut my eyes and pretended I didn’t see it. I was scared to open that door because of my own past. But as you know, when the Lord has something in mind for you, he’s pretty persistent.
One day on Facebook, I saw Kathi post a link to a review of her book and I clicked it. And the review was fantastic and I felt the Lord whispering to me and tugging at my heart.
Two days later this book was in my hot little hands. And once I started, I couldn’t put it down. And then in bible study that week, the subject was brought up, again. Not by me but by an unknowing friend. Seems where we live is one of the meth capitals in the USA and also in sex trafficking.
Because of the serious drug problems, women are having babies off the grid. No record of the child means selling the child into prostitution is easy. Really? In the USA? Not in some other country? This isn’t Thailand.
So I dug deep into this fictional story and learned how little girls are kidnapped and hidden, to become prostituted. Deliver Me From Evil isn’t graphic but trust me, there’s no fluff. It’s gritty and real and you will need a box of tissue. It’s a story of sadness, heroism, and freedom.
Please, don’t bury your head in the sand when it comes to human sex trafficking. Not like I tried to do. Because if we deny it’s happening, we are helping keep these precious little girls in bondage to the worst kind of sickness.
We can’t pretend this horror is going on beyond our borders, in some other country, to someone else’s daughter. It’s happening here. At our doorstep, in our own neighborhoods, cities, and counties.
We cannot love others as commanded by Christ if we turn our heads and close our eyes when this subject comes before us. I implore you to read this novel and open your eyes and get involved. For what we do for the least of these, we do for Christ.
You can read the first few chapters for free. Just head on over to Kathi’s site and click on the Deliver Me From Evil icon in the right sidebar.
The second book in this series, Special Delivery will be available March 6, 2012.
I adore your little advocacy against sex trafficking. A lot of precious lives have been sacrificed because of this problem and we don’t want our own children to be a part of it. Thanks for sharing this one and letting other people know about the importance of helping others from sex trafficking.