Dear Mel Vol4

Dear Mel:
Actually I’m ashamed to ask you about my problem.
but now im not shy to ask you this i got a lot of pimples in my
face,my problem is i dont know how to remove it in my face?
im afraid to use of any skin care product because i know there is some side effect.
please help  me……
~ Fighting Acne ~

Dear Fighting Acne:
This is certainly not an area of expertise for me as I suffer from the same thing. I’ve tried prescription creams that burned my skin, to trying stuff from infomercials only to not have any good results. My mom sent me this recipe for an apple cider sweep but I haven’t tried it yet. It’s two natural ingredients so there shouldn’t be side effects unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients. Also, you can try using baking soda as a face scrub but test it on a small portion of skin first. You can also make a paste out of baking soda and water and dab it on the affected area for a few minutes and wash off.

If you have any advice on acne, please share!

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  1. Seems I have a two cents for everything!! LOL (laugh out loud)

    Dear Fighting Acne,
    Oh how I can relate!!! At 17, I began the fight. I was embarassed to leave the house, yet mine was no where near severe compared to other cases I’ve seen.
    I am now 35, and seem to have gotten it all under control! There are not many products I can use on my face because I have SUPER sensitive skin, but this is what works for me.
    Cetephil cleanser.
    It’s a white colored liquid cleanser in a white bottle with a blue lable. Found most conveniently at Wal-Greens, or any other drug store. Be sure to get the kind that is for all skin types. This was the FIRST product made in the line and though they have added others, they seem to have added ingredients in the newer ones that irritate my skin.
    Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturizer.
    It also is a white bottle with blue and pick writing. It should say in small, blue letters at the bottom “treats and helps prevent pimples.” It contains salicylic acid which is a HUGE thumbs up in treating breakouts! I discovered this product two summers ago and had a noticeably clearer face in a few days time!!! The salicylic acid is a drying ingredient, so as the pimples dry out, they will crust over a bit. I use tweezers to remove the dry skin so my makeup doesn’t cake. If your a guy you won’t have to worry with that. You may also want to treat your face with an additional moisturizer so you don’t get too dried out. Cetephil makes one of those as well, and it is good for sensitive skin. I personally use L’Oreal. I also use L’Oreal’s Pore Minimizer, but you may not need that.
    I DO NOT use a toner/astringent!! They ALL irritate my face and cause me to break out in horrible cystic pimples!
    If you want an exfoliant, try St. Ives peach scrub. It is a product made for sensitive skin and is a very effective exfoliant.
    Sorry I took up so much room, Mel!
    I hope this helps Fighting Acne! It’s worked wonders for me! I have very nice, clear skin now!


    • You are welcome to write as much as you like 🙂 I wish Cetaphil helped my skin 🙁 It worked for my lil bro. I’m still trying to find something that doesn’t over dry or over moisturize. I have sensitive skin too. The one prescription I got was so bad that my skin peeled for WEEKS. I looked like I had a very severe sunburn and it hurt so badly. I have another script cream that has antibiotic in it so it has to be in the fridge and it will stain clothing etc so I forget to use it. As we speak, I have another cyst forming on my chin. So irritating!

  2. Some people never get rid of acne and pimples unfortunately. My face gets very greasy, I have to wash it 10 times a day or more.
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  3. Definitely been there with the acne so I’m happy to help out however I can! I had severe acne from the age of about 11-18 – it only cleared completely at the start of this year after I took a course of Roaccutane (harsh medication – this should definitely be your LAST resort!).

    If it’s bothering you and it’s stuck around for a while (ie you know it’s not just hormonal, or stress related, or because you’re not drinking enough water), I would say go to your doctor. I never even thought to do that – I really wish someone had recommended it to me. As it happened, I just went to the doctor about something else when I was about 14/15, and he brought up my acne and offered to prescribe me something for it. I tried various solutions and antibiotics which all worked for a certain period of time, and then eventually I got referred to a dermatologist and went on the Roaccutane. The thing with prescriptions is that you might have to try a few to find something that works for you (and their effectiveness will depend on the severity of your acne – you might need something really strong, or something mild might be enough), but they do work. So I would definitely say that if you want to put a stop to it, your doctor should be your first point of call. And if you have any other questions or want me to clarify anything, I’m happy to help – there’s an email address on my page if that helps.

    Hope this is helpful, and hope you can find something that works! 🙂
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    • Great information. I may ask my own doc again for something else. We’ve had to go to battle with the insurance company not wanting to pay for my acne stuff but it’s so ridiculous. I’m too old for this 🙂 LOL

      • Oh that’s true about the payments.. I live in the UK so when I was under 19 I could thankfully get this all for free on the NHS, and now if I were to need any more all I’d have to do would be pay the prescription charge of around £7. If money isn’t too much of an issue though, I would definitely encourage you to go back and ask for something else, because there are a million different medications for acne and there’ll definitely be something out there that suits you!

        One other thing – I used to use a Clinique facewash that I really liked – it left my skin really soft. Clinique is a little more expensive than some brands (though it’s not toooo bad) but with skincare I think you definitely get what you pay for.
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