Day 30 of 31 days of depression.
Wow, we’re almost to the end of the series! So I saved the toughest piece of advice for last.
Deal with your past.
If there is something in your past that is taunting you and depression comes on as a result, you need to face it and deal with it.
* Subscribe in the right sidebar and get my free ebook on forgiveness. *
And I know, it sucks.
It sucks that you have a past to move past. It sucks that you may have earned your past trauma at the hands of someone else and now you are left with a mess to clean up. I totally get that. Been there, done that.
But let me tell you from experience that once I decided it was time to deal with what happened once and for all, my world changed. For the better. And trust me, I had my pile of stuff to work through.
A few of those things:
- Being molested: my molester and family response
- Bio-father: being a murder, rapist, kidnapper and having his DNA in me
- Alcoholic stepdad
- Abandonment issues
Not a light load and not a complete list there. But you get the picture. When I saw a counselor, they said, “You have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and it’s no wonder you feel down and depressed.” Thank you! Someone finally got it.
It didn’t happen overnight and the work’s not easy but it’s doable. You can do it. There’s another side to life, where it isn’t always at the forefront and doesn’t affect every aspect of every day, every decision, every reaction.
But above all else. It’s worth it!
It’s worth the tears, the stress, the fears, and the anxiety. You’re already facing those now in unhealthy ways. Why not tackle those feelings and direct them toward a healthy healing process?
Just having someone listen to what I had to say and how I was feeling lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, my mind, and my heart.
God changed my life in amazing ways and He continues to shock me! He’s waiting to do the same for you! Grab onto His robe and hold on for a ride to healing.
Do today:
- Memorize this scripture: He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4
- See the doctor. Find that counselor who is going to work through your junk with you instead of just medicating you.
- Writing Prompt: Make a timeline of your life. What do you need to work through and out of your life? This can help you get focused and sometimes we overlook something in our past that was mores significant in shaping us then we realize. Don’t forget to write what you are thankful for and act on it. *If you would like a safe and free place to write, try this online journal at Penzu. It is password protected and you can even encrypt the journal if you need to. You can also use a fake name and junk email address for further protection. This way no one at home finds your personal diary entries.
- Pray: Lord, it’s time for me to move past my past and work through it. Please point me in the right direction and help me find the right person to see. I want to heal. In Jesus Name, Amen.
To purchase this song: Beautiful, Beautiful
The next 31 days we will be discussing depression and healthy ways to combat it but we’re going to get real too. Because for those of us who wind up in the pit often, we know platitudes and fluff pieces do nothing for us. My expertise is only based on my own very personal battles with depression and is no way, professional or medical advice. Your participation in this series is voluntary and Melinda Todd is not legally responsible for any choices or actions of participants. Participants release Melinda Todd and Trailing After God from responsibility and liability and continue at their own risk and discretion.
I just recently found your blog, and I just wanted to thank you for all that you are doing!
My step father abused me in every way possible (psychologically, physically, sexually, spiritually…etc.) and my mom would laugh it off.
I also suffered from depression and PTSD, as well as anger at God and 100s of other emotions. But this past year God has done amazing things in my heart and life and brought me so much healing. I am new again and it is wonderful.
I love your blog and how you are bringing hope to those that are fighting depression etc. Thank you for being a light and pointing those who are suffering to Christ.
I am so glad to “meet” a fellow sister who has been through a similar trial and come out giving glory to God. He is truly wonderful and so merciful to us!!
Thank you Paula. YOU are the reason I do this. I know God gave me some tough experiences so that I can help others. I’m so glad to have you here! Welcome!
I have mentioned my ‘big brother’ before, he has been through similar stuff. He is good at helping me. He asks tough questions that I need to answer. But sometimes when he asks them it’s as if he slipped right by unscathed.. He will say he is not proud of this or that happening to him. That he knows this and that were mistakes, but then he’ll ask if it is hard? or if I feel ashamed? And he will say because he doesn’t know how it is. I wonder if he hasn’t sorted his own thoughts out on it yet.. If that’s the case I hope I am of some help to him. I often feel that I must be draining and I hope I don’t wear him out. I sure appreciate his help.