Fear is a prison.
Fear is mentioned in the New King James over 400 times. It’s real and powerful.
How can we possibly live without fear?
I don’t know how to completely avoid it. I’ll be honest. But let me share with you what God is pointing out in my own life, because girlfriend, I’ve got fear.
When I let fear rule over an area in my life, I am not in agreement with God. His word tells us over and over again that He does not give a spirit of fear.
If I am living in fear, I am not trusting God. Yikes! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be living outside the boundaries of agreeing with the Lord and I do not want to live in a way that does not trust God.
We can’t avoid hard things in our lives. We can’t avoid the storms that are going to enter into this life. They’re coming. Maybe it’s present now in your life. We can try to run and hide, stick our head in the sands, but they will find us.
I have a laundry list right now where fear wants to creep in and take over. My baby nieces surgery today, our finances, mission trip to Haiti, upcoming surgeries for my daughter and I, and life in general. Every one of those situations evoke some fear. I don’t know how they are going to turn out. And the unknown tends to shake us deep down to our cores. I’ll be honest, I have my days where I wallow in the fear. I don’t like it but it’s truth.
If I choose to stay in the fear, I’ll be swallowed up whole by it. I can choose to stand firm on God’s truths, which tell me specifically not to fear. Or I can be disobedient and do what I want.
I can do things my way, God will allow me to do it. But is that what I want? Is that what you want, friend?
Together, let’s claim our freedom and stand firmly together, agreeing to not accept the torment of fear.
If you need prayer today, please feel free to share in the comments. If you don’t want to share it with everyone, just say so and I won’t publish your comment and I promise to pray over you and your situation. Fear doesn’t stand a chance when we rise up together as warriors and stand against it.
This is so where I am today.
I yelled at my brother for being a jerk yesterday because I was having trouble with my computer and when I answered him about what I was trying to do he laughed. I did say to him that we have different ideas on proper computer maintenance and that doesn’t make my way wrong or funny and he apologized. But what I really wanted to do was just run away and hide. Throw the computer out and say I don’t want it, I don’t care if it works or not, I don’t want help with it. I was angry about it for hours! He left for work and had to stay over and cover for someone else and that was a good thing! By the time he got home I was done being angry and glad to see him again.
Getting up and attending life today was difficult. I had a long talk with God about how tough it is to trust Him while I was still in my bed!
We talked about apologies this morning, he said there is one of these behind the counter at work – http://www.bureauofcommunication.com/compose/apology
Amy – somedays are so hard to face life, aren’t they? That is an interesting sign 🙂 . Trust is a big one for those of us who have had our most important time of life, violated by someone we should have been able to trust. I can tell you are pushing forward and determined and it’s ok to have a bad day here and there, just keep going forward! I read your private prayer request and you’ve got it girl! PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens!!! Persevere Until Something Happens. You CAN do this but don’t try to do it w/o God!
Thanks Mel.. You devo really hit me today. My fiancee broke our engagement over thanksgiving.
My fear is that I greaved God, because of my selfishness and closed a door that was not meant to be closed.. I was pretty judgmental in this relationship not believing God was big enough to handle everything, Including moving me 2000 miles away from my girls to be with this man.. Anyways I am trying to find Gods will in all this and remain his faithful child… blessing
Praying with you over this situation, Kathy. What a tough situation.
thank you… much appreciated… I really do want to give God the Glory in everything I do…
Fear is often the bully in our thoughts, the debater of truth when we are faced with the proposition of risk. Enjoyed meeting you and your thoughts, we all wrestle with this one don’t we?
Shelly Miller recently posted..Grief Shared is Grief Diminished
Excellent post. Exactly what I walking through at this time. Thank you for reminding me of the truth.
This is absolutely beautiful Mel !! This moved me so much. I started reading it and felt a conviction also that there are times in our lives.. that the choices we make are cause and effect, in which brings on fears.. we do not choose the way the Lord wants us to, and make a mess of things. Even THEN, He loves us so much He still does not want us to fear… He wants us to Listen to His Word, which will bring us a fullfilled life.. I am so thankful that He loves me so much and gives me peace even in the hardest of times.. I surely long to trusting Him in ALL areas of my life. I know I am not alone on this.. am I? Dee <3
Lord, please help each and everyone of us to remind ourselves through out our days that You are God Almighty and Are More Powerful then Fear.. You are our Father and will always take care of Your children if we let you. Fill me with Your Spirit Lord, so there is no room for fear. In Jesus name, Amen .
If I am living in fear, I am not trusting God.
This is very convicting… Thank you sweet friend. XO
Emily Wierenga recently posted..You Are Enough (& Giveaway by Holley Gerth)
Thank you, Emily!