Dear Mel Vol22

*Dear Mel is an old column. No longer accepting questions for submission. Dear Mel: If Jesus told us that the most important thing to do is to Love God and Love Others why do our churches blow that off?  How do we love others? has to be through serving them…

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Dear Mel Vol21

Dear Mel: I have been praying for years for God to reveal my calling to me. So far, I’ve got nothing. I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing for him. How did you know that you were supposed to write? ~ Wandering ~ Dear Wandering: It’s…

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Dear Mel – Vol20

Dear Mel: My mom is always telling me I’m too sensitive. Maybe I am but she’s always making rude or sarcastic comments that sting. I try to ignore it but eventually it wears me down. If I try to say anything, we end up in a big fight. I’d appreciate…

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Dear Mel Vol 18

Dear Mel, How do you honor a husband who does not honor you? Where is the peace that surpasses all understanding in this situation as with any situation that arises where God does not seem to be present?  The thought that have been in the back of my mind and…

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