Capture Your Thoughts

Remember what mama always used to say?

If you can’t something nice, don’t say anything at all.

Thumper’s mama told him that in the movie, Bambi.  God speaks pretty clearly of it as well in Ephesians 4:29

What about the things we say to ourselves?

You can’t do anything right!

Why did you have to say that?

You’re so stupid.

Are these thoughts truths?  Selfish?  Encouraging? Edifying? Do they glorify God?

I have been working hard on obeying the Lord and trying to take my thoughts captive.  2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “take every thought captive to obey Christ”  Paul is telling us to take ALL our thoughts captive.  How do we do this?

First thing, I think we need to go the Lord in prayer.  His word says to take your thoughts captive, so tell Him you need help doing this!

Second, be ready with scriptures.  Do you have regular lies that you are battling?  You know what they are.  Find a scripture to counter the lie with.  Memorize it.  When a thought comes to mind, that you know is a lie, repeat your memorized scripture(s) and dwell on the truth of that scripture.

The hardest thing I find is removing the toxins from my life.  It’s fairly simple to turn off the tv and listen to Christian radio (I adore Klove )  but what do we do about the cancers in our lives that are often friends or family?  That’s a tough one.  One that I am still working through.

My suggestion is to minimize the amount of time with a toxic person.  If they don’t build you up and instead, like to tear down, then it’s time to wean yourself off of that relationship or keep it to a minimum.  Some people you may not be able to fully remove.

I would also suggest that you don’t allow their hurtful words to dwell in your heart and mind.  Now this one I will admit, I don’t have a good grip on.  I’m working on it.  I take hurtful words very seriously and often find that I’m slapping myself around with someone else’s words.  Don’t do it!  This should lead to more practice on taking your thoughts captive to Christ and memorizing scriptures.

If God’s word tells you to do it, you can be sure that He will give you the ability and tools to do it.

Eph 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

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