Are You Sure You Want Me To Write That?

I am so thankful God is patient with me because I ask a lot of questions. Really. A. Lot.

In January of 2011 God put a serious story on my heart and told me to write the novel. I’ll admit it. I’ve argued with Him.

“Are you sure you want me to write that?” I asked over and over. In God-like fashion, He confirmed His answer to me again and again.

He couldn’t be more clear and yet, I have found myself dragging my feet and asking again. This time His response was the same, “Write the story.”

“But what if I mess it up? I’m not ready. I don’t know all the writing rules. I’ll botch this up.” I argued.

“You write the story, I’ll provide the other details.”

And He did. I stand again in amazement at a God who is so loving and astounding.

Why do we question His calling? He tells me over and over again that He will provide for what He has called me to do. Why then do I question?

Why do you question? Are you dragging your feet after God has instructed you to move forward in obedience?

Yet the LORD set his affection on your forefathers and loved them, and he chose you, their descendants, above all the nations, as it is today. Deuteronomy 10:15


Beholding Glory


  1. Oh Mel, this is great encouragement for so many of us who’s first reaction to God’s prompting is to argue out way out of it. He believes in us SO much more than we believe in ourselves. I’m excited to hear more and more about your project πŸ™‚
    Many Blessings,

  2. Holy Spirit prompting has been easy for me to ignore, in the past. I say “this is something I want, so I shouldn’t go after it.” but the still small voice keeps encouraging me that sometimes, what I want and what he wants are the same

  3. Something I struggle with.. Questioning His calling. Sometimes I need to remind myself that the clothing He has given me is too be, on purpose, for I need to grow into them. Grow into His calling. Silly me for questioning Him.. but I still do. Thank you for this much needed word today!
    Misty recently posted..Letters, Numbers And Jesus

  4. I like that you are honest and ask questions. I like your honesty. I question God all the time and then wonder if I am alone in that.

  5. Me too…I question too much…and drag my feet….and wonder if He really means what He said….but when I listen…wow….and double wow. So glad you listened….and wrote. His ways sometimes make no sense….but the results another wow.

  6. Mel, thanks for sharing. I hear God calling me to share more and be more transparent, but I too make excuses. I think, what will others think, how will they respond. The answer is, we shouldn’t be concerned with that, only in following the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

    This is just what I needed to hear today:)
    Blessings to you
    Robin Prater recently posted..In our trust He will show Himself

    • It’s so hard to do! But God has told me what areas to be transparent in and what areas to guard. I think we have to be careful what and how much we share but I do seriously believe that the stuff in my life was put there because God wants me to use it to help others heal. It’s not about me anymore πŸ™‚

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