An Opportunity for Writers – Guest Post Here

guest post melindatodd

I am looking for folks willing to guest post here at Trailing After God. Are you interested?

  1. Must be Christ-centered
  2. Only positive messages that uplift.
  3. You choose the topic – I retain editing rights and the right to decide if your article is a good “fit” here. It MUST be new content!
  4. Articles need to be 500 words or less. Please break up your paragraphs into smaller pieces. Readers are turned off by large chunks of text and really long articles. Two Tweetable sentences are a bonus.
  5. If you include a photo, please include the photo credit. Only use images you have permission to use. If unsure, please double check. Images that appear to be stolen content will not be published.
  6. Promote it – I will promote your work just as I would my own. It benefits us both if you do the same. You will receive the link to your article before it goes live.
  7. If you are interested, please leave a comment on this post. Fill in the email address spot with the email where I can easily reach you.
  8. Have fun! Tell the story that the Lord lays on your heart.


Mel signature


PS – Find out how YOU can invest in eternity by partnering with us in Haiti! Help with a $5 donation today!

Photo credit: Office Tools by mrpuen at


  1. Hi, Mel

    I have some things if you’d like to consider them. Thanks.

  2. Hi Melinda,
    I would love to Guest Post on your site…thank you for the opportunity.

    I have a few posts that you may be interested in.

    Carol Castagna

  3. Hi Mel, I am interested. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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