Dear Mel:
I am feeling really lonely and depressed. With another holiday coming (Easter) and no family anywhere near me, it always makes me feel worse. Nothing feels worse than spending a holiday alone, watching everyone leave church to go be with their family for a holiday meal and fun family time. I’m homesick but can’t afford to go home to my own family. Do you have any suggestions to keep this from getting to me so much?
~Lonely At Holidays~
Dear Lonely:
I can really relate to you, my own family is far away and we can’t afford to go to them and will spend Easter w/o extended family. I’m sorry this hurts so much. My heart goes out to you. I have a few ideas for you.
Find someone else at church who might also be spending the holiday alone. Ask around, someone might know of someone who also needs some companionship on Easter. If you find someone or several someone’s, plan to get together for Easter dinner or go out to eat together. Are there any shut-ins who might be spending the holiday alone? Maybe you could be a blessing and provide fellowship and a meal with them.
Call your local soup kitchen and volunteer to help serve on Easter. Nothing snaps us out of our own sadness than serving someone who has less than we do.
It’s a little late for this idea but maybe before the next holiday, you could approach your pastor and ask him if you could put out a sign up sheet for families to adopt an extra and host them for the holiday. I’m certain you are not the only one out there!
Or for that next holiday, ask if the church is willing to open the kitchen up and host a holiday dinner for those with no family to go home to. Or if a meal isn’t in the budget, hosting a potluck, or a game time would work. Again, there are others who are looking for some fellowship time. Who knows, this could turn into a new ministry.
I hope these ideas help. I will be praying for you. I truly know how it is to miss your family on holidays. I rarely get to spend holidays with my own side of the family.
In Him,
Do you have any ideas for Lonely? Please share them in the comments below!
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
*Dear Mel is an old column I used to write and is no longer available to submit questions. You can always email me though!
I think you nailed the answer Mel. Not much to add. I’m sorry for lonely. I too don’t get to see my family for holidays. It can be very hard. This is also a good reminder to invite others to our family holiday meals. I know someone I will invite to ours.
Carrie, I was hoping someone would see that in this post 🙂
Mel – these are great suggestions! I would offer that if you can volunteer, do so, there are so many who are alone on holidays. If you are unable to do that, approach some friends about doing something over the holidays, but not exactly on their family day. It will be time spent with friends but you won’t feel like you are inviting yourself.
Something I would suggest is to pray about it. Perhaps this is a good time for you to reflect and give time to God. Take this time as not ‘being alone’ but perhaps ‘time to be with God’ without interruptions, without expectations. Walk, take a drive, visit a park. Read your Bible. Find a free devotional on Kindle (with a free reading app for your computer or smart phone) and enjoy time with God. He will show you wonderful things.
Praying for you in your loneliness.