5 Simple Steps To A Better Day

5 steps to a better day by melindatodd


Are your mornings in a rut? Do you struggle to get your day started on a positive note every day and don’t have a lot of extra time to squeeze in more on your to-do list?

With 5 simple steps, you can be off to a great start for your day in 5 minutes. You will feel grounded and ready for what ever battle might come your way.

  1. Pray. Start your day off in conversation with the Lord as soon as you wake up. If you need the extra time to do this, set your alarm for five minutes before you’d normally get up.
  2. Open your bible. Reading even a few simple verses each day can change your entire perspective and sets your mind on right things before the world bombards you.
  3. Memorize scripture. Repeat the verse(s) over and over while you make your bed, brush your teeth, shower, etc.
  4. Turn on the worship music instead of the news or television. Need to know the weather? Check it online and leave the negative news off for the day.
  5. Sing and dance along with your worship music. Have you ever felt terrible worshiping God? I didn’t think so.


  6. Prayer walk around your house. Pray for each family member and for those who enter your home.

I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,
And I am saved from my enemies. 2 Samuel 22:4

What would you add to this list? Have you discovered a way to start your day off right most days? Or do you struggle in this area? Share in the comments because the conversation is the best part!


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  1. Thanks for this Mel. Well done and very encouraging!
    shanyn recently posted..Resting in Battle

  2. Well I agree with all of these except the music! I prefer music without words (sometimes I will play instrumental praise 0r of course classical) or silence. I hear Him better this way! I love a piece of quiet! Nice post, Mel!
    Dawn recently posted..Recollection {5 Minute Friday: Stay}

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