Evernote has become my best friend on my phone. I’ve been using it for almost two years. I keep track of everything in it. I love that I know it’s not only saved on my phone, it syncs online and is saved there as well. I love how easy it is to search in Evernote for anything you’ve saved. And if you’re smart, you utilize the tags to better organize your lists!
- Journal – I use it to journal. They say you should keep a pen and paper by your bedside so you can get those late night thoughts out on paper. I cannot do this because my husband gets up really early and it would be obnoxious and rude for me to turn on a book light to write a note. But the light from my phone doesn’t bother him. Not only that, but I used it to journal while we were in Haiti last year. I always have my phone in my pocket so when ever something happened that I wanted to remember, I jotted a quick note in Evernote. It is really fun to read back all the little details of our two weeks in Haiti. Little things I wouldn’t have remembered otherwise are saved forever! Since you can have Evernote and your calendar sync, everything from our Haiti trip is tagged with Haiti automatically because it was on the calendar!
- Grocery List – I keep my grocery list here because I know I won’t leave it at home!
- Writing Ideas – Any time I am struck by inspiration but am not in a place I can spend time writing it out right then and there, I write it in Evernote.
- Medications – I keep a list of my medications in Evernote so I don’t have to try to remember what it is I am taking. Very helpful for travel meds for Haiti because I have exactly the special meds I need or received. Great place to keep track of your children’s vaccinations too.
- Blood sugar – I keep track of my blood sugar in Evernote. It’s always in one place when my doctor asks for it. I can print it off and give it to her if I need to.
- Lists – I make lists of all kinds. I love the ability to add a check mark box to my lists and tick things off with a handy check mark when I’ve accomplished something! It’s a great motivator.
- Records – Anything you need to save, you can keep in Evernote. Passwords – don’t keep the whole password here because that wouldn’t be safe. But maybe enough info that YOU would remember what your password is for each website.
- Books I Want To Read – I am always coming across books I want to read. While, I like to add them to my amazon wish list, I don’t always feel like logging into my account in order to do it.
- Bible Study/Church – Bible study notes are easy to save in Evernote. I use tags when I save notes for the bible study so when I go back to look them up, only the ones tagged come up. I have tags and notes for our James Bible Study right now. If I don’t have a pen in my purse, I use Evernote to take notes during the sermon. I prefer handwriting my notes because it helps me absorb the message, but I also don’t want anyone thinking I’m texting during the service!
- Gift Ideas – I keep folders for each person in our family. When I think of a gift idea, I jot it down in their file. Sometimes, we think of the perfect gift for someone and their birthday or Christmas is months away. I don’t know about you, but I can count on forgetting it without writing it down. This has really helped in gift giving.
- Meetings – You can share certain notes with others. This comes in handy if you have meetings and need to share info, ideas, etc with other team members.
- Memories – I love using this app to save the funny and cute things my kids say. I’m terrible at keeping baby books, but I keep notes and drop them into a jar similar to my Best Christmas Gift For Mom. If I write the note using Evernote, I can print it off and put it in the jar with all the rest.
- Recipes – When I need to take a recipe with me, I put it in Evernote. I needed a few recipes while we were in Haiti and this was easier than packing paper or a cookbook with me!
What ways do you use Evernote? Or have you tried this app yet? I bet I haven’t even scratched the surface of what this app can do.