What Are We Justifying?

Today’s post goes hand in hand with yesterday’s post on Arguing. What are we justifying? We each do it with one thing or another until the Holy Spirit convicts our hearts and causes a heart and mind change. I’m only watching this because it doesn’t really affect my walk. I…

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How Do We NOT Argue? Discuss

What does the bible say about arguing? A lot really. And how do we keep from being involved in quarrels and arguments? Are some topics worthy of being argued? I’m seeing a lot of controversy on Facebook lately. It will only get worse as elections get closer. With warmer weather…

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Time In

Does God ever put us in Time Out? This weekend my friend explained a discipline technique called, Time In. It’s the opposite of a Time Out for a child. Instead of sending the child to sit alone, you make that child stay with you for an extended amount of time.…

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I Hate Going To Church!

I Hate Going To Church

It’s true but let me explain. When we are going to arrive late, I hate going to church. All eyes will be drawn to us. Watching as we try to find a seat and slink in as unnoticed as possible. They will wonder why I wore that to church. They…

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Mother’s Day From Afar

Mother’s Day hasn’t been the same since my mama moved many miles away years ago. I have to admit, I have a zing of envy when I see status updates and photos of those who get to celebrate Mother’s Day with their mother. The lucky ones who get to hug…

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